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Info for Racers

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

The Knowledge Bank of British Racing




*This page will link you to others that will hold the knowledgebank of the things we find out as we build a ski fraternity in the UK.

In the last few years we have developed an active racing group from within the Junior Development Squad. In doing this we are collecting information that should be known by our governing body but in truth has been lost. Rather than do this again the aim here is act as a repository so we can keep the info together until such time as a real database is set up.


As ever the more people can add in the things they know/find out or want to find out the better. If there are sections missing from the knowledge bank let me know and we will create a section and try and populate it with information.


Knowledge Bank Areas


British Nordic Development Squad

It has been a fantastic season for the British Nordic Development Squad. Not only was there great results from the first appearance of a British team at the European Youth Olympics in Spain; one skier was at the World Juniors (and had one of the best races ever in a sprint) and the younger skiers continue to show that there is more to come (1 skier hitting 4th in Austrian Cup and another 2nd).


The squad continues to plan its development and is looking at having 4 sections this year:

Development Group

EYO 2011

EYO 2009

World Juniors


While the EYO and World Junior groups are for invited athletes, the development group is the continuation of the squads open enrolment policy. 3 of the team for the EYO this year came through this route so there were representatives of Yorkshire Dales, Wessex and Lakeland in the team. The other 3 in the team came from the Huntly Club. The representative at the World Junior Championships was a member of both Huntly and Cairngorm clubs and had been spending the year in Canada being coached by the Banff ski runners club.


The information below is specifically aimed at the athletes in the BNDS


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