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GB Skiers Result Page

Page history last edited by roy 15 years, 10 months ago

Saturday 15th November is the start of European racing for British skiers. This page attempts to keep up to date with all the races that British skiers are involved in. If someone's race is missed out, let us know and we will update.


Results for on Snow Races for GB Skiers 2008 -2009


Bruksvallarna - SWE  






















Results for on Snow Races for GB Skiers 2007 -2008





As before we will try to keep this as up to date as possible so let me know if I miss anything

Results files
Aus_NZ Results.pdf Bow Corridor 24 Nov.pdf
Sweden Idre 1 Dec.pdf Vernon 1 Dec.pdf
Sweden Saarna 2 Dec.pdf Vernon 2 Dec.pdf
Canmore 6 Dec.pdf

Canmore 8 _ 9 Dec.pdf

St Ulrich 13 Dec.pdf

Valcartier 13 Dec.pdf
St Ulrich 15 Dec.pdf

Susjoen 19Dec.pdf

Eisenerz 22_23 Dec.pdf

Susjoen 22 dec.pdf

Gasbu 27 Dec.pdf Bow corridor 29 Dec.pdf
Duntroon 3_6 Jan.pdf Lillehammer 5 Jan.pdf
Sorkedalen 6 Jan.pdf Tolgar 5_6 Jan.pdf
klosters 12_13 jan.pdf Keski-Salmi 19 Jan.pdf

St Jakob 19_21 Jan.pdf

Gostling 26 Jan.pdf
Madison 3 Feb.pdf


Brit Champs 4 Feb.pdf

For full British Champs

listing goto

British Champs 08 

Koasalauf 9and10_2.pdf

Saalfelden 14_2.xls

pdf file soon but at moment only available as excel for the moment

Aspen 7_2.pdf World Juniors.pdf
Whistler 18_3.pdf Whistler 19_3.pdf
Tornio Fin 21_3.pdf Whistler 21_3.pdf
Pello 22_3.pdf Yllas 23_3.pdf
Whistler 23_3.pdf Yiltornio 24_3.pdf






Results for on Snow Races for GB Skiers 2006 -2007


This is a list of the results for our skiers this year. We'll try to link in a comentary page later (where the results can be discussed), but these links will take you to the data. In the first half of the page you will find PDFs of the results which show a comparison of the skiers time with th percentage from the winner and a note of any FIS points (or virtual points where the time comparison has allowed - the skiers did the same distance as the FIS race but were not entered for formal points, such as U18s at the Norge Cup).


If you are a British Skier and your results to do not appear here - please let us know. I think there is now a pdf for all races that British skiers did in season 06-07. If you know of others please let us know so this can be updated.



* Vernon_Sprints 25-11 * Vernon_Pursuit 26-11
* Canmore Classic 30 Nov * Canmore Sprint 2 Dec
* Canmore Classic 3 Dec * Canmore Alberta Cup 9 Dec
* Poland EYO Trial Classic * Coast Cup 16 Dec.pdf
* Hochfilzen 30_31 Dec.pdf * ODP Aut 21 Dec.pdf
* Rossland 4 to 7 Jan.pdf * Poland 31 Dec.pdf
* Susjoen youth 6 to 7 Jan.pdf * Rossland 7th Jan Juniors.pdf
* 100 Mile BC Cup 20_21 Jan.pdf * Norwegian Cup 6 to 7 Jan.pdf
* Hochfilzen 21 Jan.pdf * Austria Cup 25 - 27th Jan.pdf
* Brit Champs 27 30 Jan.pdf * Rest of the British Champs results can be found at http://www.britishbiathlon.com/pages/BritChamps2007.htm
*EYO 2007.pdf *Canmore 3_Feb.pdf
* Swedish_juniors_feb.xls.pdf * kananaskis_24Feb.pdf
* World champs.pdf * Alberta and Kootney 3 March.pdf
* poland_10_March.pdf * poland_11_march.pdf
* World Juniors March.pdf * Canadian_Nat_20_3.pdf




Complete results and other statistical information.

The file is a spreadsheet which can be searched and sorted by downloading to your computer. On first look it is more difficult to read than the pdfs. However by using "Data, Filter, Auto Filter, " it is possible to look at different races or pull out various individuals from the whole season.


updated 8/5/07


Current Rankings

See the current list of Current rankings

Now updated with the final version of rankings.


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