2nd Dec 06
Just been told about a mistake in my log from 26th Oct. There are 4 places for the boys at EYO for Cross Country Skiing. There are 2 places for girls. Effectively we are looking for the 1st 4 boys in the races and time trials at the Poland camp. (There is a 'force major' clause, that will allow the coaches to decide between the 4th placed skier and someone who has a good reason - such as injury - for not performing in the selection races, but there is a maximum of 1 place to be selected in that way, and only if a skier appeals.)
Some our skiers have been racing this season. Sarah Young and Al Duncan both raced at the Vernon 'Nor-Am', which are the Canadian equivelents to Continental Cup. Both did exceptionally well, with Sarah 5th (a poor tansition loosing her time) and Al 9th in the Junior pursuit. (See GB Skiers Result page). This week Al did really well at the Canmore Nor-Am where he was up against World Cup racers in the senior 15 K classic.
For those of us stuck with Black snow (or green with the matting in Huntly), we are trying to get race ready by a series of simulation races. We are having some time trials but preparing for the race as if it was on snow - this will help us prepare for real races and be mentally prepare when we do get our limited time on snow.
1st Nov 06
Just been speaking to a Norwegian (manager of a hostel) who was skiing 20 k at the time I called him! ever think you were in the wrong job?
I was talking to him about the up coming trip the juniors are going on for New Year and a couple of things really scream out every time I start trying to get a camp organised. 1 There has got to be a good system for doing this (if someone has one can please let me know) - it's a major effort. 2 What do national governing bodies do - we can't e the on team that is going abroad to train yet there appears to be no deal with Van hire companies or with airlines. Surely this should be addressed! If the gov. bodies under modernisation do 1 thing it should be to make a deal so that all recognised teams get access to cheaper van hire and airline bookings (actually a simple way of booking without getting stung for all the kit we are taking would be good too).
On a bit of a rant to here's the final one. Did you know the Snowsport Scotland advertise an insurance company that doesn't do ski insurance (I should add the company were helpful - or tried to be)! However, what are they doing to help skiers become more competitive? It is really difficult to get suitable insurcane cover - especially when you are trying to get FIS points! Beware!
Aberdeenshire did get a dusting of snow but not enough - altough it is mighty cold!
26th Oct O6
Just a wee while since I added to this. It's the end of another camp for the junior development squad. And the youngsters have all done great. The fitness levels are fantastic, as ever there is work to be done on technique but I think I'll be saying that for ever.
Anyhow I cam across this really good web site
Really worth a look. There's a training log on it where a senior racer is recording what he's been doing in preparation for this season.
And in the web site was a great quote from Pete Vordman (the US coach)
"A statement that starts with "it's hard to..." means you are either about to make an excuse or are setting yourself up to make an excuse. When it comes to cross country ski racing that it will be hard is a given. Some get it done, some pull on their Got Excuses? tee-shirt."
This is such a true statement that I thought I'd put it here. This goes along with the Positive talk we had at the one of the evening sessions during the camp. It is hard, but we need our brains to be working with us, so we need to think I'm going to improve my technique, not - that was rubbish.
The other thing in the camp was that we annouced the selection criteria for the European Youth Olympics - the competion for the 4 places is going to be fierce and the guys are up for it. Once I've done some more work on this site I will add it for you all to see. So the UK should have a good team going to EYO 2007 but even better news is that we have a great group developing for EYO 2009 and there some great youngsters who wont be the right age until 2011! I'm tempted to ask for sunglasses - the future is that bright.
29th Sep 06 (again)
We've been spending the last week of Sept with an intensity block, mostly consisting of 4 x 3.30 (or 4) mins of hard work (run, classic or skate roller) with equal rest periods. This of course is bread and butter to the guys, particularly if they can do it together - they beasting each other & as for challenge, give them more. As ever its getting them to rest or to finish this block looking at easier levels that is more worrying. They are all trying to fit in other sports as well - rugby & swimming being the main ones. At 16/17 it is good that they want to do so much but getting the balance if they want to compete at XC is difficult. The feedback from all the other sports is fantastic - the coaches love their competitive nature and their fitness. This in itself is interesting as it raises the question of talent spotting in sport!
29th Sep 06
Just realised I've not put anything in about the Scottish Roller Ski Champs and the Cairngorm Hill race. This was a great weekend of roller racing and I'm fairly certain everyone that travelled from the south got a lot out of it. I took part in both events, but notice I didn't say race. Both were hard work - the Huntly course is fairly technical which makes it more interesting that 10 laps sounds. The Cairngorm hill road is a fair old test. I think faster skis would have helped but my main aim was to complete while holding some sort of technique together (which I think I did, although fortunately there are no photos or video to disalusion myself with).
I've had a look at some herat rate traces from the hill race and both show that the guys were operating at 93% of the hr max for virtually the duration of the race. This shows the effort they put in, but also that they are sustaining levels well over their lactate threshold (the Italians also found this when testing lactate in race conditions). This then has input into intensity levels needed for the high level sessions that are happening and the more that are approaching as we move into the Build phase of the training plan.
10 Sep 06
We were running and trying to put in 2 sets of 7 mins classic bounding. Discovery no. 1 is that you need a lot of uphill to keep the guys going up hill for this length of time. Discovery no. 2 is that it really hurts trying to keep up with them when they are doing this, so don't do it, just watch and make sure they are bounding and not drifting off into running when the going gets tough.
Anyhow here's some interesting stuff about the kids in the Brit. Junior Development Squad (BJDS).
The top group - Group A - spent an average of 43:06:52 training in August
Group B spent an average of 30:26:40
While those in Group C spent 12:30:00
Having said that there are still folk that need to keep better records of what they are doing. To that end I've given them a note of what to record to try and make it easier.....
Suggested Diary Log of Activity
Date Notes
So this would look like this when entered into a diary
Tuesday 5th September
Hours 1.5 Run round the Mungo hill, ave heart rate 140. Felt good but bit slow on the final big hill
Zone 1
Type Run
Time Am
Using this style is fairly straight forward.
Hours – time spent training
Zone – level, Under 15s to use :
1 Easy (140 – 150)
2 Moderate (150 – 165)
3 Race pace/hard (above 165)
The figures in brackets are what you might have if a 15 year old was using a heart rate monitor for this.
Type – Run, Cycle, Roller Classic, Roller Skate,
Time – AM or PM
Weekly (& then monthly we can add up fairly quickly how much time was spent on Zone 1, 2 and 3 and so on).
Hope this makes it easy to note down what you've been doing. We have been making use of ilog.ca which is really good for us to use to support - but it only works if you fill it in! :)
Other interesting stuff with the hours sent in. Mostly people have managed to use the time in the endurance end of the heart rate range although there is one althele who has done 2/3 of the hours at high intensity compared to low, which is proably to high a ratio - so this is something to look at. We also need to be careful that real rest is taken (more on this next time as real rest is needed by coaches as well).
21 Aug 06
Not much coacing going on - all my guys on easy weeks, although this in itself could be interesting as most of them will probably need to restrained not to go hell for leather. They are currently out cycling on road bikes giving the cycling coach Norman a headache by constant chatter and cycling too fast! (Sorry Norman age is getting to all of us - well not them obviously.)
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